New F W Boreham Books

This site offers information on forthcoming publications and republications of books by or related to Dr F W Boreham.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

New Book by F W Boreham

Press Release: New Book by F W Boreham

A new publication of the writings of F W Boreham is soon to appear off the printing press.

The book The Man Who Saved Gandhi was written by F W Boreham and published in 1948 but is sadly out of print and difficult to obtain.

In their recently formed partnership, John Broadbanks Publishing, Michael Dalton (USA) and Geoff Pound (UAE) are republishing this book under the new title Lover of Life: F W Boreham’s Tribute to His Mentor. The book comes with a new foreword and epilogue.

The goal is not only to highlight the remarkable story of J J Doke but to provide an illustration of an effective mentoring relationship.

Lover of Life is a tantalizing sketch of Joseph John Doke, a Baptist Minister, artist and author, who was born in 1861 and ministered in England, New Zealand and South Africa. It is the stirring account of a frail man who became a fighter against discriminating legislation and an advocate with Mahatma Gandhi in championing the freedom of Indians in South Africa. As well as serving as pastor of the Johannesburg Baptist church Doke participated in protests, contributed to newspapers and had the distinction of writing the first biography of Mahatma Gandhi. In 1913 he visited Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia) to explore a new development for the South African Baptist Missionary Society and died tragically on his way home.

In a new foreword to this book Geoff Pound says, “Many people today speak about mentoring as if it is a new phenomenon about which contemporary leaders should be engaged. It has been called by different names (supervision, curacy, direction) but the practice has been around forever and was superbly practiced by J J Doke and F W Boreham. Instead of offering a treatise on Effective Mentoring, Boreham in his inimitable way tells stories of how it worked for him and how pivotal such a relationship was in his own life and ministry.”

“It would be good if seminary and denominational leaders put this book into the hands of every seminary student and pastor who are embarking on a new mentoring relationship. This short story about the friendship between J J Doke and Frank and Stella Boreham provides a wealth of insight and a hopeful vision of what a mentoring relationship might become.”

As this is a ‘self-publishing’ activity donations are being sought to assist in the seeding of this venture.

If you would like to invest in this exciting project you can write your check, payable to ‘Michael Dalton’ and send to:

Michael Dalton
2163 Fern Street
Eureka, CA 95503

If it would be easier to do an electronic transfer please contact Michael to arrange details.

If you desire more information or if you would like to register your interest in purchasing these books do write to
Michael Dalton at or
Geoff Pound at

Geoff Pound
Michael Dalton

Image: F W Boreham